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Limit 5 on 5 articles
Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 12:42 pm
by ballsohard
One thing i noticed as my first season in being the media points guy is that there seems to be a discrepancy in effort given in 5 point articles. Specifically the 5 on 5 articles. I'm going to use myself to be blatantly transparent. In the past i'd always want to be a part or create a 5 on 5 article because i believed it was the easiest 5 points you could get in this league. While, i still think it's true and enjoy reading 5 on 5 articles, i realized that there were a few things that didn't feel right to me.
For one, we have the same few participants it seemed, while i didn't run the numbers on this, i think if we did a venn diagram, we'd see a lot of the same general managers. The second thing i saw was the effort level to answer 5 question versus putting out new material seemed a little unbalanced. The last thing i've seen this season is i think the articles are going to become a little more popular due to the 25 point increase a few seasons ago.
With that, i'd like to propose a limit of 2 5 on 5 articles per season. When i say that i think we've seen that no one's abused that as of yet, but we're at 2 this year with a third in the works.
If this isn't something the league sees as a problem, i'll happily drop this. Have a good one people!
Re: Limit 5 on 5 articles
Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 2:02 pm
by garbageman
I agree that the 5 on 5's are an easy 5 points, but I'd like to see the rule enforced differently. With a limit of 2 5 on 5 articles per season, that means only a maximum of 10 people can capitalize on the 5 on 5 format (or a minimum of 5 if the same 5 on 5 writers pump out 10 questions at beginning of season).
I'd say either we drop 5 on 5s to 3 points across the board or limit GMs to participating in 1 5 on 5 per season.
Re: Limit 5 on 5 articles
Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 2:05 pm
by ballsohard
garbageman wrote: Wed Jan 03, 2018 2:02 pm
I agree that the 5 on 5's are an easy 5 points, but I'd like to see the rule enforced differently. With a limit of 2 5 on 5 articles per season, that means only a maximum of 10 people can capitalize on the 5 on 5 format (or a minimum of 5 if the same 5 on 5 writers pump out 10 questions at beginning of season).
I'd say either we drop 5 on 5s to 3 points across the board or limit GMs to participating in 1 5 on 5 per season.
The first part is not what i'm saying at all. I'm saying 1 person can only participate in 2 5 on 5 articles. I think your second suggestion was what i was orginally getting at
Re: Limit 5 on 5 articles
Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 3:31 pm
by PaulyP
Great idea
Re: Limit 5 on 5 articles
Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 3:48 pm
by NOLa.
Got nothing against limiting 5 on 5 participation. I thought this was a generally agreed upon easy 5 points that we fought Nick about some seasons back before elections.
Re: Limit 5 on 5 articles
Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 4:44 pm
by Darth Vegito
So is this a "word count" thing? Because it sounds like it. If these answers and questions were very elaborate and long, EVERY SINGLE 5 ON 5, I doubt this would have ever been I right?
That being said, then enforce a word count to every article if we're going there. Because I see some short articles but no one says a thing because they sit behind a few fancy looking line and bar graphs. Despite the fact that most of the time those charts are the simplest thing in the world to make. Seems like if you are not writing "intellectually" interesting articles based on tons of data raped from files and spreadsheets that your words aren't as valuable and don't mean as much. Just my thoughts.
Re: Limit 5 on 5 articles
Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 5:17 pm
by ballsohard
DarthVegito wrote:So is this a "word count" thing? Because it sounds like it. If these answers and questions were very elaborate and long, EVERY SINGLE 5 ON 5, I doubt this would have ever been I right?
I dont think word count was mentioned. There’s a very big difference, at least in my opinion, in quantity versus quality.
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Re: Limit 5 on 5 articles
Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 5:25 pm
by IamQuailman
I'm ok with putting a 2/season 5-on-5 (or 6-on-6 or 6-on-5) Limit per person. I do like them, as it gives many people a voice to talk SLOE at once.
Re: Limit 5 on 5 articles
Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 8:46 pm
by Darth Vegito
Can someone do a history check to see if 1 person has EVER done more than 2 5 on 5s in any year? Cause I'd be willing to guess the answer is no, never. Hence this limit would be asinine.
Re: Limit 5 on 5 articles
Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2018 8:10 am
by ballsohard
DarthVegito wrote: Wed Jan 03, 2018 8:46 pm
Can someone do a history check to see if 1 person has EVER done more than 2 5 on 5s in any year? Cause I'd be willing to guess the answer is no, never. Hence this limit would be asinine.
Re: Limit 5 on 5 articles
Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2018 9:39 am
by IamQuailman
DarthVegito wrote: Wed Jan 03, 2018 8:46 pm
Can someone do a history check to see if 1 person has EVER done more than 2 5 on 5s in any year? Cause I'd be willing to guess the answer is no, never. Hence this limit would be asinine.
I ran one and participated in one last season and this season. lol
Re: Limit 5 on 5 articles
Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2018 9:27 am
by Inner_GI
Are we arbitrarily saying that 5 on 5 articles are not interesting to read? If that's the case, then maybe we just discuss lowering the points awarded for them. Putting a limit on type of articles is getting a little Big Brother for me.
Is there a certain amount of time an article should take to be worth 5 points? I know I've spent over an hour answering questions for a 5 on 5 before that required a lot of index research.
Why are 5 on 5s viewed as "cheap" is my question I guess.