S29 Pickem Rules

Playoff Brackets, Pre-Season Over/Unders, In-Season Pick 'Ems will be posted here!
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S29 Pickem Rules

Post by false9 »

Hello, friends. Some slight tweaks going into this season. Here's the low down.

-Instead of picking one player each sim, you'll have to pick 3 players and their respective dates. Again, NO REPEATS- you pick Anthony Davis more than 1 sim, and that's a DQ.
-Same scoring as last year
-TURBO BOOST is back again. This time will apply to the 3 players you pick for the declared sim. Once again, it won't be doubled when compared to others for the weekly reward, but will be doubled when tallied for the season end score. MAKE SURE TO USE IT.
- All star sim will be similar to last year

Same as last season, the winner of each Sim gets 3 points and 1 point to the 2nd place finisher. At the end of the season, we'll tally up the cumulative points and reward best individual totals (1 point for 3rd, 3 for 2nd, 5 for 1st). Lastly, we'll reward best Division total scores (1 point for 3rd, 3 for 2nd, 5 for 1st).

Good luck to all!

Courtesy of the big homie RPF
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