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Jazz Press Conference

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 8:00 am
by C-Prej
(C-Prej slowly walks in, looks at half empty room and shakes head)

Welcome. I can tell we are not performing as well as many expect. We finally made the playoffs, but got swept in the first round. We were not happy we could not win at least one at home. Even though we were not able to get past the first round we did like how our team was playing. We feel that after a whole year to learn each other this team will be able to make a better push in the playoffs. We were able to bring back Steve Smith, a player that bring a vet presence to the team and makes us a contender. We were feeling good unto this point.

Our next step turned to our RFA PG Marbury. Initially we planned on making him a RFA but after calling him in and having a talk with him we decided not too. He was making very questionable decisions during the offseason that we were not sure we wanted him on our team anymore.
When we told him he threw the biggest hissy fit I seen a professional athlete make. He stormed out the gym and speed off. We kept in touch over the phone until FA started and told him that if he cleaned up his act we would possibly make a bid on him to be part of the team again. He surprised us by showing up at the gym with and apology for all his actions.
After re signing him we started to get back to work. We noticed his actions had consequences on his performance but we are still happy to have him on our team and think he will bounce back.

The res of FA was quite for us. We were able to try to get a few big name FA but nobody signed. We were able to Pick up a few vets to come off the bench to complete our team. We are hoping for a better season and higher seed in playoffs. With that we will open the floor for questions.

Re: Jazz Press Conference

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 8:11 am
by JNR
Generic Wolves Reporter: You say that you are hoping for a better season, but it appears that your team regressed in every way possible except for Tim Duncan. Are you basically hoping that the rest of the division declined more than you?

Re: Jazz Press Conference

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 10:21 am
by IamQuailman
I'll hold on awarding points until prej answers le question(s)

Re: Jazz Press Conference

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 11:01 am
by C-Prej
JNR wrote:Generic Wolves Reporter: You say that you are hoping for a better season, but it appears that your team regressed in every way possible except for Tim Duncan. Are you basically hoping that the rest of the division declined more than you?
Yes we may have regressed a lil but feel we are still strong enough to make it into the playoffs and have a chance. It does not hurt a few teams in our division are not as strong. Time will tell hopefully we are right.

Re: Jazz Press Conference

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 11:01 am
by C-Prej
IamQuailman wrote:I'll hold on awarding points until prej answers le question(s)

Not quite sure how to answer this one.......

Re: Jazz Press Conference

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 11:29 am
by IamQuailman
Awarded 3 points! (didn't ask questions in other pressers)

Re: Jazz Press Conference

Posted: Sat May 30, 2015 6:02 pm
by logpmess
Your starting lineup seems to be set and solid, but backups are more quantity than quality. Who do you expect to be the 6th man of this team?

Re: Jazz Press Conference

Posted: Sat May 30, 2015 8:51 pm
by coltsguy510
With Bonzi Wells improvement and your lack of cap space, are you worried about paying him next offseason?

Re: Jazz Press Conference

Posted: Sat May 30, 2015 9:13 pm
by NOLa.
Guys, check the date of this thread

Re: Jazz Press Conference

Posted: Sat May 30, 2015 9:59 pm
by logpmess
Awe man. Thats my fault. I even read the thread and didn't realize after. My bad.

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Re: Jazz Press Conference

Posted: Sat May 30, 2015 10:32 pm
by NOLa.
logpmess wrote:Awe man. Thats my fault. I even read the thread and didn't realize after. My bad.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Haha it's okay. I got confused too and almost asked a question until I saw the date, then got a good laugh.