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Hurry Up and Pick Proposal

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2017 5:46 pm
by garbageman
Not sure I'm on board with this, but I thought this was an interesting idea to get the draft moving:

Right now, we have a 2 hour window before an auto-pick happens.

I'm proposing we have an additional 2 hour window (or end of day, whichever is first) before that auto-pick happens in which the next people can declare their draft picks.

So, for example, say the Bulls are pick 10, and they have exceeded their 2 hours to pick. Their pick won't be auto-picked until 2 hours AFTER they defaulted (or the 10pm deadline hits, whichever comes first). In that time after they have exceeded their original 2 hour window, pick 11, 12, and howevermany picks after that until the second 2 hour window (or end of day, whichever's first), can make their selections. These selections will not be eligible for the Bulls auto-pick at pick 10.

To avoid this, the Bulls could have:
A. Picked on time
B. Sent in a list
C. Sent in a request to automatically auto-pick at the beginning of their window (CPU automatically decides immediately once they are on the clock)

I think this will speed up draft day quite a bit.

Re: Hurry Up and Pick Proposal

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2017 6:28 pm
by WigNosy
There ALWAYS seems to be a bottleneck where people aren't picking or going slow and we generally get one or two autopicks per draft. But I've yet to see a draft that doesn't finish within 2 days, and occasionally we get done in a single day. Usually one of the inputters is pretty on top of autopicks right at the end of the two hours.

Re: Hurry Up and Pick Proposal

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2017 6:34 pm
by IamQuailman
I think lists need to be sent to a couple people as a safeguard, may have to rotate who it is depending on whos drafting.

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