Oh Mighty Sim Gawds
Posted: Thu May 11, 2017 4:52 pm
May your blessings be many
Your justice be swift
Your divine wisdom be unquestioned
Any any detractors
Will received their due restitution
Their sacrifice
And may this be my year to pay penance
So it shall be
For your glory is absolute
And your wisdom be unquestioned
But I ask that it not be
And may you consider my request
Amongst all others
In your grace
For your wisdom be unquestioned
Your justice be swift
Your divine wisdom be unquestioned
Any any detractors
Will received their due restitution
Their sacrifice
And may this be my year to pay penance
So it shall be
For your glory is absolute
And your wisdom be unquestioned
But I ask that it not be
And may you consider my request
Amongst all others
In your grace
For your wisdom be unquestioned