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Coming Attractions: Milwaukee Marketing Manifesto (3M)

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2015 11:48 pm
by IamQuailman
The Marketing Director walks to the podium and clears his throat. Behind him lowers a screen from the ceiling.
Marketing Director: Greetings, Milwaukee! Many of you have come far and wide for this press conference, but not many of you know what exactly is on today's agenda. We never officially had a press release after our mid-season blockbuster trade for Shaquille O'Neal. Usually, Mr. Quailmen is present to A) address the public on our plan going forward and B) answer any outstanding questions. However, Mr. Quailmen (I guess) felt the move spoke plenty for itself. Instead he tasked me with coming up with a little bit of a newish marketing campaign. With the Internet starting to boom and websites starting to become mainstream, Mr. Quailmen thought it would be a great idea to release something to get not only our fanbase hyped up for the last couple of weeks of the season, but also bring some media spotlight to Milwaukee for a change.

Marketing Director: Our best and brightest artistic minds have been put in one room to pump out something that will get the blood pumping through your veins. We will air it here today for all of you in attendance, and for those that cannot watch, we will air this when the games are being broadcast live. Additionally, we will be launching this from our team website: Don't fret, my friends. The website is America Online compatible and this video should only take about 15-20minutes to load on at 56K modem. Just make sure you tell your friends and family to NOT call your landline while connecting! That is, unless you've upgraded to one of those fancy DSL internet connections!

Marketing Director: Without further ado.. I present to you... your Milwaukee Bucks Post-Season Hype Video!
phpBB [video]
Marketing Director: I hope that sent the same chills down your spine that went down mine when I first saw that. Now, let's go Bucks!

Re: Coming Attractions: Milwaukee Marketing Manifesto (3M)

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2015 11:51 pm
by WigNosy
What, no geocities? No xoom? No Moyra's Web Jewels? I am disappoint.

Re: Coming Attractions: Milwaukee Marketing Manifesto (3M)

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2015 10:18 pm
by IamQuailman
Marketing Director: After garnering some interest from league-wide executives, the league marketing office has tasked me with a post season marketing initiative. It is part of their Y2K Branding Campaign and they hope that it starts out as some kind of annual campaign come post-season. Just to give a little taste of what's to come, here is a teaser made specifically for our organization, the Bucks.

phpBB [video]

Marketing Director: More to follow and be unveiled in the coming days!

Re: Coming Attractions: Milwaukee Marketing Manifesto (3M)

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 8:25 am
by JNR
These are fantastic. Keep em comin!

Re: Coming Attractions: Milwaukee Marketing Manifesto (3M)

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 4:52 pm
by IamQuailman
Awarded 2 points! Thanks for your contribution!