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S20 Off-season Schedule

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 11:29 am
by IamQuailman
Tentative off-season schedule (helping Wig out while he's getting back on his feet after being out a couple weeks)

Draft Lotto Show: Shooting for tonight (7/21), depending if we can get someone to run it... Any volunteers? Have a couple maybes, but would like a concrete YES before 3pm if possible so I can send over the lotto results.

IF WE CAN RUN THE LOTTO TONIGHT, the draft can start tomorrow morning @ 8am.

Please stay tuned. If I can't find a draft lotto volunteer for tonight, then we will push it back to tomorrow night, with draft starting Saturday morning.

Re: S20 Off-season Schedule

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 11:45 am
by JNR
I volunteer as tribute.

Re: S20 Off-season Schedule

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2016 1:59 pm
by WigNosy
Deadline for 2nd round lists and RFA exercising of rights (including being paid up on luxury tax) is 5 pm tonight. I will process as soon as I can (already have one) but probably not until later tonight will results be up.

RFA trade moratorium begins at 5 pm tonight as well.

RFA bids will be due at 5 pm Sunday 7/24.

Accept/decline due at 5 pm on Monday 7/25.

UFA bids will be due 5 pm on Tuesday 7/26 (round 1), Wednesday 7/27 (round 2), and Thursday 7/28 (round 3).

Training Camp will be due Friday 7/29. Preseason will be simmed immediately following TC.

Regular season starts Monday 8/1.