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Breaking the Game, Part One: Media Points

Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2024 11:33 pm
by garbageman
Breaking the Game, Part One: Media Points
A Garbageman Production

Looking for ways to game the game so you can work smarter and not harder to get a PBSL ring and etch yourself in the annals of sim-basketball history? GET IN LOSER, WE'RE GOING SHOPPING!

Today, I'm going to talk about writing articles. Everyone knows that the fastest way to get points that count towards your media cap is by shitting out 21 rapid-fire memes. Any image with a caption you write counts as a meme, so you could rack up 7 points in 15 minutes if you give absolutely zero shucks about any semblance of quality.

But unfortunately, the MEME POLICE are cracking down on this season after season. With 25 media points on the table and only a measly 7 achievable by memes, that leaves 18 points that you'll have to earn the old fashioned way: writing articles.

According to this post, here's the number of points you get for an article based on word count:
Minimum WordsPoints
So, the way to max out those points with the least amount of articles is two, and either way you do that (a 3,000 word article and a 2,500 word article vs. 2 2,750 word articles), you're writing 5,500 words. If you wrote 9 2 point articles instead, that's just 2,250 words total you'd need to get 18 points. Even writing 6 500 word articles is 33% more words, and it just gets worse from there. Once a single point jump costs 500 words, only a masochist would continue writing the article unless they thought they had a surefire shot at Media Entry of the Year, which has dwindled in point value anyway from 5 down to 2 or 3 down to 1. And since you'd already have to write more than 2,250 words to get even half of that 18 points, anyone who writes an article longer than 2,500 words has got to be a plum freaking idiot.

Well, would you look at the time! This article is already comfortably over 300 words. Stay tuned for part two of Breaking the Game!

Re: Breaking the Game, Part One: Media Points

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2024 10:22 am
by AngryBanana
372 words, +2

Re: Breaking the Game, Part One: Media Points

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2024 4:14 pm
by greepleairport
per vote, keep dem 2 pts sir