Season Awards Process & Procedures
Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 6:55 pm
Season Awards Process & Procedures
Voting for Most Improved Player (MIP), 6th Man of the Year (6MOY), and GM of the Year (GMOY)
Campaign Period Monday- Friday (8PM) Final week of the season
Beginning Monday after the sim, there will be 3 campaigning threads where GMs can go to campaign for their own players (or themselves). Feel free to post stats, in-season achievements, moves made, pictures, biographies... Whatever it is that makes your player/yourself stand out above the rest. There will be 3 threads, one for each award. Please keep your "pimping" relevant to the award thread you are in. NEW RULE FOR THREADS: You are allowed to make one post about yourself/your player. If you have multiple players you are pitching, you can post 1 post per player. Any additional BS posted in threads will be deleted. There will NOT be any goading or attacking other candidates to create nonsense drama like previous years.
Voting Period Due Day of First Playoff Sim at 8PM (unless other-wise stated):
The voting period will officially begin and I will send everyone a notification. VOTES CAST PRIOR TO THIS WILL NOT COUNT. This voting period will go through 8PM Monday. ALL VOTES CAST AFTER THE VOTING PERIOD IS CLOSED WILL NOT BE COUNTED. All votes must be within the same PM and sent to ONLY me (ucp.php?i=pm&mode=compose&u=72) . Only your first submission will count; please only submit 1 PM of votes per team. This will help in keeping the votes organized.
Voting Set-Up:
Please remember to vote for who deserves this award and be as unbiased as possible. To ensure this, you are allowed to vote for your own player/yourself, but only as a #2 or #3 option.
6th Man of the Year: you will vote for 3 options, clearly labelled #1, #2, and #3. The #1 option will receive 10pts, #2 option will receive 6pts, and #3 option will receive 2pts. The player with the most points in the end wins the award. Please keep in mind: to be eligible for this award, the player MUST have come off the bench in more games than he starts (same rule as real NBA). If the guy has played 80 games this year and started 43 of those games, he would NOT be eligible.
Most Improved Player: you will vote for 3 options, clearly labelled #1, #2, and #3. The #1 option will receive 10pts, #2 option will receive 6pts, and #3 option will receive 2pts. The player with the most points in the end wins the award.
GM of the Year: you will vote for 3 options, clearly labelled #1, #2, and #3. The #1 option will receive 10pts, #2 option will receive 6pts, and #3 option will receive 2pts. The GM that receives the most points wins the award.
Points are awarded based on current point system
Voting for Most Improved Player (MIP), 6th Man of the Year (6MOY), and GM of the Year (GMOY)
Campaign Period Monday- Friday (8PM) Final week of the season
Beginning Monday after the sim, there will be 3 campaigning threads where GMs can go to campaign for their own players (or themselves). Feel free to post stats, in-season achievements, moves made, pictures, biographies... Whatever it is that makes your player/yourself stand out above the rest. There will be 3 threads, one for each award. Please keep your "pimping" relevant to the award thread you are in. NEW RULE FOR THREADS: You are allowed to make one post about yourself/your player. If you have multiple players you are pitching, you can post 1 post per player. Any additional BS posted in threads will be deleted. There will NOT be any goading or attacking other candidates to create nonsense drama like previous years.
Voting Period Due Day of First Playoff Sim at 8PM (unless other-wise stated):
The voting period will officially begin and I will send everyone a notification. VOTES CAST PRIOR TO THIS WILL NOT COUNT. This voting period will go through 8PM Monday. ALL VOTES CAST AFTER THE VOTING PERIOD IS CLOSED WILL NOT BE COUNTED. All votes must be within the same PM and sent to ONLY me (ucp.php?i=pm&mode=compose&u=72) . Only your first submission will count; please only submit 1 PM of votes per team. This will help in keeping the votes organized.
Voting Set-Up:
Please remember to vote for who deserves this award and be as unbiased as possible. To ensure this, you are allowed to vote for your own player/yourself, but only as a #2 or #3 option.
6th Man of the Year: you will vote for 3 options, clearly labelled #1, #2, and #3. The #1 option will receive 10pts, #2 option will receive 6pts, and #3 option will receive 2pts. The player with the most points in the end wins the award. Please keep in mind: to be eligible for this award, the player MUST have come off the bench in more games than he starts (same rule as real NBA). If the guy has played 80 games this year and started 43 of those games, he would NOT be eligible.
Most Improved Player: you will vote for 3 options, clearly labelled #1, #2, and #3. The #1 option will receive 10pts, #2 option will receive 6pts, and #3 option will receive 2pts. The player with the most points in the end wins the award.
GM of the Year: you will vote for 3 options, clearly labelled #1, #2, and #3. The #1 option will receive 10pts, #2 option will receive 6pts, and #3 option will receive 2pts. The GM that receives the most points wins the award.
Points are awarded based on current point system