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S70 Kuchoach Media Entry of the Year Award
Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2024 10:37 am
by Jedihero
Anybody who submits a nomination can claim 1 point (excluding self-nominations)
Max is 1 point, even if you submit nominations in other categories
Winning nomination gets an additional point like last season
Submit your nominations by the End of Conference Finals Sim.
LINK YOUR AWARD NOM, if you do not link, the item will still be posted but if it wins - the person that nominated will not get the points.
Re: S70 Kuchoach Media Entry of the Year Award
Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2024 10:49 am
by AngryBanana
This was a throwback styled article that I really enjoyed from my esteemed colleague, Garbageman. It was not the usualy lazy statistician or podcast that we have expected from Gman in the past, but something that falls more in line with the type of articles I used to enjoy writing. I always enjoy the creative writing approach to articles and this article is one that took a lot of thought and creativity to write on Gmans part. The mix of real life current events, with the PBSL current events, was another great touch to make it relevant, which is also always a big incentive for me to read longer articles. The mix of humor in his approach with the aspects of the voting's that were being discussed in Sim were great. The approach of Darthald promoting the point inflation, while his opponent Bi-sohard-en was talking about hard times was great. I also enjoyed the RFA/UFA perspective that was brought up in the article. Both of the opponents were able to agree on this topic and I think actually opened a few eyes on some of the realities of what the rule proposal would cause, and how that would hamper the league as a result. These concerns I also had shared, and ultimately voted against the rule change even though I hate the rule as it is currently done.
Re: S70 Kuchoach Media Entry of the Year Award
Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2024 10:51 am
by garbageman
I'm going to nominate K-100's "Why No Team Should Vote for Pee Wee Kirkland"
In the end, the Pistons did trade for Pee Wee Kirkland, and the league died and nobody wants to do it anymore, but at least we had this article to warn us that "those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it." There were 4 feasible trade scenarios (though some more feasible than others), and I think that made for an entertaining read. I also think it's a great read for the many people who weren't here for the Kai Jones trade because this, for many of them, will be their first glimpse into backstage tax politics.
Re: S70 Kuchoach Media Entry of the Year Award
Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2024 12:42 pm
by greepleairport
Ain't Nothing Like The First Time: S70 Podcast W/MexicanMamba
Sim league has been devoid of pods for far too long. With a new blood commish we have a new blood pod, and these gents delivered 2+ hours of quality sim league content. What more could I ask for? Maybe a guest appearance on the next one?
Seriously though, you guys held it down and slaked my thirst for sim league pods. This one also felt pretty consequential as hot ticket items were discussed at length for how sim league should run under our current leader, and I think it set a pretty solid tone. It was nice to hear Black Superman lay down some knowledge and debate, too, because even if he pwns you in the comments section (or the DMs
), anyone who listened to this knows he's a pretty solid dude.
Re: S70 Kuchoach Media Entry of the Year Award
Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2024 7:07 am
by MexicanMamba
Titan's Pros and Cons list is a worthy nominee. While it's no secret that I don't always agree with him, I love that he puts thought and care into his positions about the league and obviously had love for it. This article also created a conversation in its comments section which is a rarity, so it drove positive engagement as well.