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End the Arms Race Proposal

Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2024 10:51 pm
by LazyTitanSmash
End the Arms Race Proposal

Goal of my proposal.
Allow GMs that don’t put as much time in to be more competitive.

Prevent people from putting in effort just to get the points and not for fun of it (like putting out 38 meme on the last day or unnecessarily extending articles for points)

Make it so that those who want to get their maximum amount of points, reach their maximum point total without putting in tons of extra time.

Keep the fun engagement alive and the keep necessary function of pbsl working (i.e like tax sheets and stewarding)

My Proposal:
Replace Maximum Media Points with a Maximum Engagement Points

Keep the point system the same for all points that don’t require any effort on the GM. (i.e. winning GM of the year, or your player gets a double/double etc., new GM extra points)

Keep the point system the same for all trades.

All points that take activity/effort (doing anything) should have a hard cap of 52 points. (i.e. writing articles, stewarding a team, putting in your line up each sim, being media manager, or running Town Hall, or picks um, etc..)

Two Exceptions to the hard cap are: Commissioner (who should get a raise) and getting someone to join as a New GM.

My reasoning is everyone could get 52 points with a basic level of engagement. (It’s probably still to high but I wanted to start with an incremental change)

Basic Engagement Available Points
Depth Chart - 5
Presser - 5
Town Hall - 12
Pick'em - 2 estimated (if you win, the points would be given to you at the beginning of the next year)
League Responsibility - 5
Writing Article or Podcast - 9
Memeing - 10

You could always do more of one and less of another (i.e. two League Responsibility for 10 point but then you might choose to only complete half of your meme.)

(Open to discussion on the number being at 52)

Re: End the Arms Race Proposal

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2024 9:40 pm
by garbageman
I think something like this could work if that's what we wanted to do, but we'd really have to figure out where the numbers should stand. I don't think League Responsibility should be least not the ones necessary to keep the league running, but I do try to spread those around so nobody's doing two jobs.

I do feel like some points are cheaper and less useful to the league than others. Town Hall is an easy 12 points, and the good memes are few and far between while a lot of people just shit out memes to churn out easy points.

The thing is, I think 52 isn't really much of a change. There's already a 25 point cap on articles/memes (it was voted recently for podcasts to fall outside of that, but we can reverse that...though there aren't really podcasts that often). Presser + Full Town Hall is only 17 points, which puts us at 42. Pick 'em only seems to exist when K-100 is in the tax, so in a year where Pick 'Em is gone, 52 might be more than the maximum amount of points than could possibly be earned from all extra-curricular activities.

I think a big problem isn't the amount of effort, but how the effort is spent. A lot of the most competitive GMs aren't necessarily pumping out articles or racking up the points, they're just not spending every last point on training and taxes (usually picking one or the other). Usually though, the sim-economy regulates itself, and experience allows GMs to earn, build teams, and spend more wisely. I want to hear more thoughts about this, though, since mine is probably least important.