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Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2023 3:43 pm
by MexicanMamba
Rules: 1 point if you give a thoughtful answer to the question, which I will award after the timer ends for responses.
Responses close when Sim 10 is run!
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Re: S63 TOWN HALL #10
Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2023 6:33 pm
by garbageman
I'd prefer the 2-2-2-1 format for a few reasons.
1. It's less pressure to get everything done without a break because a 7 game series would only take 4 days instead of 7 if the finalists really slow rolled it. I think taking breaks makes for a more intense series, too.
2. You can't tell much after 1 game, so 2 games of feedback gives me a clearer sense of feedback.
3. It's a pain in the ass to run and push the results 7 different times.
Re: S63 TOWN HALL #10
Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2023 1:45 pm
by K-100
I prefer the status quo and keeping it at 1 game per sim. I try to get creative during the Finals so seeing what worked and didnt work immediately lets me tweak plans or completely scrap them all together to get ready for the next game.
I definitely see how making so many roster changes can get tiresome for the input team because I am never entering the edits now but I really like the gamesmanship aspect of playing someone 1-on-1 and making adjustments per game. I tend to play the Finals out in the span of a day or two because the rest of the league wants to end it already which I totally get. I would be pretty bored too if it took an entire week to run just one playoff series but maybe some kind of compromise like a minimum of 2 games per day might make that go faster.
Re: S63 TOWN HALL #10
Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2023 4:03 pm
by greepleairport
I personally prefer one game at a time. It's the finals; it's the only time we sim one game at a time. It feels special in that way. You've simmed your whole season to get to this point and it gives extra weight to those games. i really like that.
That said, it need not be a hard and fast rule. I think it can be negotiated come finals time for a number of reasons. Like, do the participants care one way or the other? Do they need the results posted to sim the next game? Can they get it done in a day or two? Do they need more than one game to evaluate the next DC / GPs?
Perhaps leaving options open creates more complication than before, but I understand the commish side of things, having the added responsibility to see it all through all 7 games, after simming daily for an entire season of playoffs.
I dunno. Depending how the vote is phrased, I might vote to abstain.
Re: S63 TOWN HALL #10
Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2023 9:33 pm
by pennpanther1
The 2-2-2-1 format seems reasonable. It keeps the same pace as the other rounds so you will always have time before games 3&4 to make gameplan changes if you find yourself falling behind. I rather we finish the final round sooner than potentially dragging it out as long as a week if we only do 1 game a day.
Re: S63 TOWN HALL #10
Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2023 10:47 pm
by garbageman
Just want to clarify, even in 1 game at a time, finals last about the same in realtime as 2-2-2-1 in practice
Re: S63 TOWN HALL #10
Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2023 10:07 am
by MexicanMamba
I prefer the "standard" to be 2-2-2-1 simply because it makes things easier for me. I'm a selfish asshole, what can I say!? The Finals always gets a tad more difficult for me in general because I work in a school, so I cannot always be ready to sim Finals games immediately (Josh usually helps with this though). So, as with most things, I prefer the methods that make things simpler for the guy running things.
1 at a time hasn't been some massive problem or anything though.
So, I suppose MY preference would be:
2-2-2-1 as the baseline but 1 game at a time being an option if both Finals GMs prefer it.
It's the opposite way now and no one that I know has chosen to agree to any other format. Maybe it's because I've never went ahead before a Finals and directly asked though.
Re: S63 TOWN HALL #10
Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2023 1:28 pm
by Black Superman
I've never been to the finals so I can't personally say what is better. I don't feel like time is ever the issue for us waiting. So I'm responding for the sake of getting a point. I think 2-2-2-1 should be the finals format as well. I can only imagine how many head games and cheese would get implemented in a 1 game at a time lineup. Once we ban PGS playing center the one game things won't be such an issue
Re: S63 TOWN HALL #10
Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2023 1:47 pm
by AngryBanana
I am split. I feel like 1 game at a time is nice because of it being the finals, and it allows for more ability to get in your opponents headspace. But also, it will mess with your head for sure too. Whereas the more conventional style fits with what we have been doing and also takes some of the mental side out of it. Where that is nice as well. I know by game seven in the last finals I just said screw it and went with the best GP I had instead of trying to get fancy.
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Re: S63 TOWN HALL #10
Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2023 3:28 pm
by IamQuailman
Personally, I like the 1 game at a time format. With the way the finals are formatted (2-3-2), if the home team goes with a bad game plan in the first sim, there's a good change the away team will close out by game 5. I know that's silly, but at least if you get blown out in game 1 at home, you can adjust on the fly... even if it ends up being an overreaction.
That said, 1 game at a time can get difficult if the GM in the finals is a less active one.. however, FB Messenger chat has really helped perk up the activity.
Re: S63 TOWN HALL #10
Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2023 3:41 pm
by MexicanMamba
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Re: S63 TOWN HALL #10
Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2023 6:21 am
by MexicanMamba
Claim 1:
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