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No More Color Ratings
Posted: Thu May 28, 2015 9:35 am
by LoCo89
WigNosy wrote:Did some testing tonight. The "unexplained" change in color ratings is definitely due to the "historical modifiers" changing (e.g., teams shot fewer three pointers in 1980 than in 2010, so a player with a 99 rating in 1980 who will launch 1 or 2 a game gets much less "Credit" toward colors than a player does in 2010 where he could launch 8 per game).
We could turn historical modifiers off, which won't necessarily restore everyone to where they were (because last year was ALSO subject to historical modifiers) but should ameliorate the issue of changing colors without ratings changing going forward since the modifier will no longer change season to season.
Can you explain historical modifiers for a second? Besides trends do they take into account rule changes? The reason I ask is that last night on Skype we sort of worked up a theoryz that because of the rule changes in 01-02 (hand checking, legal zone In, 3 seconds in lanes) that could be what is causing the effect. I just wasn't sure how accurate with the irl rules changes the game is.
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Re: No More Color Ratings
Posted: Thu May 28, 2015 9:41 am
by IamQuailman
After sobering up this morning, I'm starting to agree that turning colors off would be too much of a change for the league as a whole. There are a lot of pluses and minuses to having them, and really there is no one side that is stronger than the other. I am leaning more towards turning the Modifiers off as a happy medium, but I'd be curious to know more about the impact of the modifiers.
Like for example, 3pt shot (since it's a little more easily trackable) - do Historical Modifiers only impact the rating of a player if less 3's are taken historically, or do the modifiers actually impact how many 3's a player/the league will inevitably take?
Re: No More Color Ratings
Posted: Thu May 28, 2015 10:10 am
by 42PhD
If I understand this right, historical modifiers reflect how a player fits in the "year" in terms of style of play, rules, trends, in some way related to how things evolved in the NBA. Turning them off may cause a shock to the system. Changing them (off) may be best when combined with a limited amnesty. If a blue guy turns yellow, you can cut him with no cap hit, or reduce the deal to one season or something. Not this exactly, but some compensatory measure for those getting hammered by the ripples. Bear in mind, this in no way affects me negatively.
Re: No More Color Ratings
Posted: Thu May 28, 2015 10:16 am
by ballsohard
I think turning historical modifiers off would be a huge mistake. For one, the game changes and has changed over time, if you keep historical modifiers the same, that means it all stays the same. Which in theory sounds fun, but we've modeled the game around the real NBA. Same players and roughly the same cba. So why would we change the history on how the games being played ; ie the 3 point shot never becomes as important as it is today. Pace stays slow. Etc
The most obvious answer is to just adjust your thinking. I get that people think their guys have lost value and that's a valid point, but I don't think changing how the game updates with time is a solution.
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No More Color Ratings
Posted: Thu May 28, 2015 10:24 am
by LoCo89
ballsohard wrote:I think turning historical modifiers off would be a huge mistake. For one, the game changes and has changed over time, if you keep historical modifiers the same, that means it all stays the same. Which in theory sounds fun, but we've modeled the game around the real NBA. Same players and roughly the same cba. So why would we change the history on how the games being played ; ie the 3 point shot never becomes as important as it is today. Pace stays slow. Etc
The most obvious answer is to just adjust your thinking. I get that people think their guys have lost value and that's a valid point, but I don't think changing how the game updates with time is a solution.
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I still think this is the best solution. As far as we know production will stay the same since there weren't any effects on ratings, potential or current. I said it when we first noticed it, your 20 ppg scorer, will in all likelihood, remain a 20 ppg scorer, he just may not look as pretty color wise. I feel like just knowing that many players have lost perceived value (in regards to color) will help to diminish any issues that may arise with trades. I don't expect colors changing to effect everyone's feelings of what value is in the league, but I do feel it will change some which is enough for me honestly especially without shaking up the league by changing modifiers
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Re: No More Color Ratings
Posted: Thu May 28, 2015 10:30 am
by NOLa.
Yea Im against modifiers now after learning it changes the game and way players play.
No thank you
Re: No More Color Ratings
Posted: Thu May 28, 2015 10:42 am
by 42PhD
There is an argument for leaving it alone, dealing with the unexpected, such as injury, aging, loss of free agents, an awesome and handsome new GM in the league. Live by color, die by color?
Re: No More Color Ratings
Posted: Thu May 28, 2015 10:42 am
by Darth Vegito
ballsohard wrote:I think turning historical modifiers off would be a huge mistake. For one, the game changes and has changed over time, if you keep historical modifiers the same, that means it all stays the same. Which in theory sounds fun, but we've modeled the game around the real NBA. Same players and roughly the same cba. So why would we change the history on how the games being played ; ie the 3 point shot never becomes as important as it is today. Pace stays slow. Etc
The most obvious answer is to just adjust your thinking. I get that people think their guys have lost value and that's a valid point, but I don't think changing how the game updates with time is a solution.
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I am leaning towards this line of thought. This has been turned ON for over 10 seasons. We've loved the league for those ten seasons until it started affecting colors a bit. I don't like the idea of turning it off now 10+ years in. I think it's a bad idea. I'm for the colors being abolished, but I'd rather nothing happen than changing the modifier to OFF.
Re: No More Color Ratings
Posted: Thu May 28, 2015 10:42 am
by Conroy
I hate to say this, but I agree with Balls
I say leave the colors
Re: No More Color Ratings
Posted: Thu May 28, 2015 10:43 am
by NOLa.
42PhD wrote:There is an argument for leaving it alone, dealing with the unexpected, such as injury, aging, loss of free agents, an awesome and handsome new GM in the league. Live by color, die by color?
Re: No More Color Ratings
Posted: Thu May 28, 2015 10:50 am
by ballsohard
42PhD wrote:There is an argument for leaving it alone, dealing with the unexpected, such as injury, aging, loss of free agents, an awesome and handsome new GM in the league. Live by color, die by color?
Re: No More Color Ratings
Posted: Thu May 28, 2015 12:29 pm
by TrayWithAnA
IamQuailman wrote:How many times have we see b/b or g/g guys who dont play up to their colors? See Tharon Mayes, Marcus Liberty, Nick Anderson.
Is it Chef? Or is it Mr. Garrison? Or is it the 1990s Detroit Pistons?
Re: No More Color Ratings
Posted: Thu May 28, 2015 1:36 pm
by fearthebrow
I don't really understand why we need to change anything here, colors or historical modifiers. The game is fun the way it is. Seems like this is one of those "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" moments.