First off, thank you to Wig for all the hard work, and putting up with us. I’ll bet you will enjoy being a GM much more than being both. As Wig also said, this transition won't happen until the end of this season or mine, whichever happens first.
With that, i'd like to get a head start on things. The one thing i want everyone to remember is this is OUR league, not mine. So if anything i say causes massive unhappiness or we think it's 'harmful to the league' , we will Ax it.

With that there’s been a few things I think we have to work on to get started. I'm going to keep this as light as possible

GM vacancies:

This is the biggest threat in the league. As of right now , we have a number of teams that are either inactive or vacant. I will send out PMs to the following teams to find out their status with the league. If they respond, they will be on probation for a season:
New York Knicks (Vacant)
Los Angeles Clippers
Golden State Warriors
Oklahoma City Thunder
Probation includes: Missing any of the major offseason events: RFA, UFA, the Draft, Tc, as well as missing > 3 Dcs for the first season UNLESS they have given the notification they will be gone.
League Contraction:
League contraction has been brought up, and it’s frankly not a direction I would like to take; but once we exhaust all means to fill the teams I would certainly consider it. As an effort to combat contraction, I am upping the ante to 25 points for bringing on a new GM and f your person does not have more than 3 missed DC’s each season for 2 seasons.

Node use:
Wig thought he was done with doing work for us ? I THINK NOT. All of us are adults and have a ton of competing priorities. We all love this game a ton and the use of nodes has made the process of running this league less of a burden. I am going to reward all teams who use the node instead of having an admin put in their DC 5 Extra points per season. The only issue we’ve had in the past is counting DCs for attendance, So we will ask that you output your team file every week you go same, so the DC coordinator can count it as a made DC. If you need a node set up I’ll be creating a thread.

Extra League Positions:
We started this league as a way to be the people’s sim league and as part of that we understood the load it takes to run the show, with all of our rules. We also see that in an election we have people willing to do the work, but aren’t being elected to positions. I want to make sure that most people that want to help the league can help the league and get points, and others, who may just want to play, don’t get penalized. In lieu of that, I want to create two more positions, worth 5 points each.
1.) College Sim Administrator- Tyhis person runs the college sim, any way they see fit. They are responsible on posting prospects, running the sim, and updating the college index. They will also be able to run tournaments worth points and betting.
Reward: 5 Points
2.) Luxury Tax Administrator- This person is responsible for running the luxury tax. They will post at minimum 3 times a year.
a. When the new Cap figure is out with the table
b. After the Trade deadline with the points due
c. At the end of the season when the bills are due
Reward: 5 Points
3.) RFA Administrator- This person will run restricted free agency. They will post the RFA tables, take down who is a free agent , the team’s decision to accept decline and will post the RFA results. They can do this in any manner needed. If they want to create more drama and do this through hoopshype, they can. We will set a due date for when all has to be posted though. This is a short but intense position. Reward: 5 Points
Reward: 5 Points
Edits to current positions:
There’s some positions that take a lot more than others. That’s always going to be the case, but I think we can even the odds on some of these.
1. Volunteer Elections Coordinator-
This person will take on the added responsibility of handling the league wide voting for new rules as well. They will work with the active commissioner and determine what should go up for vote and what will not go for vote.
Admin transparency
There’s always been a hint of distrust from the league that points to the admins, dating back from AD23 to the ‘Shadow Council’. There are always going to be paranoid people but I think we can try to have the most integrity possible. If someone is an admin and has access to the main teamviwer, we will ask for them to send in their bids and Dcs (for playoffs) before seeing any one else’s. This is a practice that we’ve tried to do most of the time, but at times it’s also fell by the way-side, myself included.