Darth enters the media room in a rather delightful manner. Smile on his face, joking with a reporter or two along the way.
Darth: Thank you all for coming this evening. I'm not going to keep much of your time today. There isn't much to say or explain these days. We as an organization are putting this team on track to contend in 3-5 years. Sure you may look at that prediction and say it's a bit out of reach but one thing I can say is that once we have acquired 3 years of assets, I can flip those assets quicker than LeBron James' momma...quicker than Matt Barnes' ex-wife...quicker than Brent Barry's ex-wife...quicker than Willie Roaf wife...point being that I can flip shit quickly.
Yeah, we got into a bit of luxury tax trouble, but we know how we got here. We made many VERY calculated moves, 90% of which said moves were in our control. The 10% did not go our way and here we are. I do not regret those moves. If the 10% plays out, I'm confident that we're sitting here today with 1 or 2 titles and then this tax bill wouldn't seem so bad. But it didn't and that's the way it goes sometimes. When you takes risks sometimes they bite you in the ass. I'm fine with that and don't plan on ever changing the way I manage a team. I don't like to lose, so don't expect us to be a losing team and be fine with it like so many other teams have been over the course of the last few decades.
But the expectation is a title when I bring this team back to prominence and I may build the team chemistry wise a bit diifferently this time around but expect the same all-in style and approach. That's all I have for now. I'll take any questions anyone may have.