The press conference he held to kick off the season was austere, spartan, every expense was spared.
But as cheap as he was, Harris Perry knew a thing or two about business. He knew that if he was going to go false9 and flip a team in a year, he'd have to make sure that was a damn good team, and it ended up being the most successful Bulls team to date.
This year is different. The Bulls have a new owner in Eric Abramson, and he leads (co-) General Manager (of the year) Garbageman and the rest of the 2020 Chicago Bulls out to a nicely decorated stage in front of a packed crowd. He takes the mic first...

EA: Hello and welcome to the Chicago Bulls' first press conference of the 2020 season. I'm Bulls owner Eric Abramson, and I'm delighted to have been able to purchase the Bulls franchise. As a lifelong fan of the Chicago Bulls, I've been there for the bad times...some of which have lasted decades. I can truly say that this is the best Bulls team ever assembled. Last year, the Bulls went further than they've ever been before, a mere game away from the PBSL Finals. This year, we hope to go even further. Let me introduce to you, the man in charge of the plans to do that, the Bulls General Manager, Gar Bageman.
[There is polite applause from the press and fans at the event]
GM: Last season was an excellent season for the Chicago Bulls. We decided to push our chips in and trade Victor Oladipo and TJ Warren to the New Jersey Nets for Russell Westbrook, and Russ did a phenomenal job leading this team.
[Westbrook, looking fashionable as always in a suit that would look ridiculous on most anybody else, nods and waves at the acknowledgement.]
GM: We didn't quit against the Bobcats' superteam when we were down 1-3, and although the loss of Deandre Jordan due to injury changed the script in that series, it was still one hell of an uphill battle. After besting the team with the best record in the league in the Hawks, we felt what it was like to be on the receiving end of a 1-3 comeback against a fantastic Philadelphia 76ers team. For some of our best players, like Dennis and Vernon, this was their first playoff appearance, and their performances left us very optimistic about the longevity of the Bulls' success.
[VD is wearing a suit made out of RFA money while Dennis Smith, Jr. and his pasty Chris Kaman looking ass can only afford to wear shortpants and a tanktop made out of rookie contract money.]
GM: And of course, the biggest change we made this offseason was going out and getting Otto Porter, Jr. Otto will start at SF and between him and Russ, I don't think there are any two better players on the same team in the league. Otto and the Timberwolves organization meant about as much to each other as Danilo Gallinari and the Chicago Bulls. We wish Danilo--and Keith, of course-- the very best in Minnesota, but we're very excited to welcome Otto to the club and look forward to him becoming an integral part of Chicago Bulls culture.
[Otto grins and waves, wearing a regular suit.]
GM: We're also excited that so many of our role players came back to resign with us, and we did land a couple of new players we're very excited about. Along with Bismack Biyombo, our front court should be hugely bolstered by Boris Hailey and Nerlens Noel. We will get every rebound.
[The camera pans across a line of basketball players as Garbageman mentions them.]
GM: In short, our team is very good, and we would like to win a championship. Now I open the floor for questions.