Salary Floor and Tax Redistribution

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Darth Vegito
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Salary Floor and Tax Redistribution

Post by Darth Vegito »

So let's assume this fails to pass. It seems that a salary floor would have possibly passed fairly easily. Can we get a new set of options and resolutions in the 3rd set of propositions so that this can still roll out this season? Wig, maybe you had planned to do this already but I want to get a bit of quick discussion if we need to add options about the salary floor and how to impose it. Whether that's a different incentive program or a penalty program as Scott has suggested. Just wanted to get this up since it seems that half of the prop is favored by the majority. Thoughts?
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Re: Salary Floor and Tax Redistribution

Post by Inner_GI »

I for one didn't like how some of the polls had no "no" option. This one especially. I'd love a salary floor, but not into a tax point redistribution.
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