Currently, the "Article of the Year" Award is worth 10 points with three runners up receiving 5 points as well.
Pursuant to viewtopic.php?f=37&t=5295 please let us know if we should retain the current system or reduce the point value.
If one option receives a majority of "first choice votes" it will win. If no option receives a majority of "first choice votes" the option with the fewest "first choice" votes will be removed and the "second choice votes" will be used instead to determine a winner.
Also this option is a joke:
1st choice: No change (10 points for the winner, 5 points each for three runners-up), 2nd choice: 5 points for the winner, 0 for runners up
WigNosy wrote: Thu Nov 30, 2017 3:11 pm
Note: This is an instant-runoff poll.
Currently, the "Article of the Year" Award is worth 10 points with three runners up receiving 5 points as well.
Pursuant to viewtopic.php?f=37&t=5295 please let us know if we should retain the current system or reduce the point value.
If one option receives a majority of "first choice votes" it will win. If no option receives a majority of "first choice votes" the option with the fewest "first choice" votes will be removed and the "second choice votes" will be used instead to determine a winner.
The initial tally - 20 votes were cast, so 11 votes are needed to declare a winner.
First choice:
* No change (Options 1 and 2 received 2 and 8 votes respectively, total 10 votes)
* 10 for winner, 0 for runners up (Options 3 and 4 received 0 and 4 votes respectively, total 4 votes)
* 5 for winner, 0 for runners up (Options 5 and 6 received 1 and 5 votes respectively, total 6 votes)
Since the option "10 for winner, 0 for runners up" had the fewest votes, we remove that as the first choice options and apply the second choice votes to the respective options. These are:
* No change (Add 0 votes from Option 3) - 10 votes
* 5 for winner, 0 for runners up (Add 4 votes from Option 4) - 10 votes
This leaves us deadlocked at 10 votes each, so the commissioner casts the deciding vote (having refrained from voting in the initial poll).
The commissioner, mindful of the fact that winners have almost certainly already received 5 points for their submission, feels that an award of 5 points for the winner and 0 for the runners up is more appropriate and in line with other awards.
Therefore, your winner: 5 points for the winner, 0 points for runners-up.