kucoach7 wrote: Thu Nov 09, 2017 7:42 am
For pretenders, I got the T-Wolves, the Knicks, and the Hawks. Look, I've been a Knicks fan my whole life. I KNOW they are ALWAYS either losers or PRETENDERS! That's what the Knicks do! The Hawks are too old in the front and back courts. For the first time in years they didn't pull off a heist of a trade so they're pretending. The Wolves, man, I love that that Wiggins Porter combo but that ain't gonna enough when the goin' gets tough.
For contenders, I got the Pistons, Kings, Clipps, and Spurs. Why, you ask? I got four answers for you. Anthony Davis, Derrick Rose, Kevin DURANT, and RUSSELL WESTBROOK. If you make the playoffs and have those guys on your team, you're contending.

No offense Stephen A, but I think you're greatly mistaken if you don't think the Hawks are going to go all the way. We're talking about one of the most memorable franchises and GMs in the history of PBSL, and you're throwing their names in the same group as the KNICKS? What? Are you kidding me?That's absolutely ridiculous! Don't get me wrong, the Knicks are a tremendous franchise, but they're no Hawks or Spurs — they're PRETENDERS, just like the Magic and Pistons. If you want to talk about competitive playoff teams, let's not forget the KINGS who had to win all their games the HARD WAY this year. They didn't have an ANTHONY DAVIS to carry their team; they won the good old fashioned way, by paying off the referees. That's what competitive basketball is all about! So come playoff time, you bet your ass you'll be seeing me sitting in the stands with either a Hawks or Kings jersey on — it all depends who's trending more come playoff-time.