Current anti-tanking rules are here: viewtopic.php?f=35&t=1300
As far as I am concerned, if a team wants to lose, let it lose. We have put other incentives in place to win since the anti-tank DC rule was put in place (e.g., points system rewards teams for regular season wins and for win streaks) and if a team wants to make a strategic decision to lose games, it is their choice. With drafts now being populated after the trade deadline with fictional players, nobody can strategically plan their tank to get a great player (e.g., the great tank for LeBron).
The drama surrounding accusations of tanking is not a good thing and puts the commissioner into a bad spot because DCs are something of a subjective business. Asking the league commissioner to scrutinize DCs to determine "who is tanking" is a judgment call. It's time for this to go. There are better ways to de-incentivize tanking (e.g., the "YTW draft") if we still feel it is an issue, but asking the commissioner to be judge, jury, and executioner - especially when the commish may have a competing team - is not the best way to go about things.