Current Standings:
1. Pacific - $2850
2 (tie). Midwest and Atlantic - $2550
4. Central - $1950
This Sim's Division Representatives:
Atlantic: False9
Central: WigNosy
Midwest: LoCo89
Pacific: Ku Coach
You may claim a point if you provide a write-up/rationale for at least 5 picks - though feel free to do more! Otherwise, you're just competing for the divisional race which awards 5 points per GM in the winning division at the end of the season.
Pick the 10 games with the spread below from 1/2/14 and rank them in confidence from 10 (most confident) to 1 (least confident). You'll get 10pts for winning your most confident, 9 for second, etc. You will then be paid off the following scale:
1st - $1000
2nd - $600
3rd - $200
4th - Nothing but shame
The team with the minus number is the favorite (needs to win by at LEAST that number). The underdog just has to stay within that number. If the game is marked (pk) there is no spread.
A really good example of this being done was last week's thread, if you need a reference.
Kings (-2) @ Raptors
Suns (pk) @ 76ers (pk)
Supersonics @ Wizards (-6)
Nuggets (-3) @ Pistons
Trailblazers @ Celtics (-2)
Heat @ Pacers (-2)
Knicks @ Bucks (-11)
Hawks (-9) @ Cavaliers
Clippers @ Bulls (-3)
Mavericks @ Grizzlies (-7)
Example of picks:
10. Sonics +6
9. Suns
8. Celtics -2