"Imaginary" is the right word, because there's never been a single guy responsible when it comes to our past successes. Our old Finals team was because of Joe Smith, David Wesley, Rob Horry, and Horace Grant. Our best team in the early/mid-2000s featured Shaq, Lamar Odom, Anthony Johnson, and Rashard Lewis. The idea that just one player can suddenly tranform us into a legit contender is as imaginary as it gets, and probably led to our embarrassing string of untimely playoff exits in the Lewis era. We're not looking for one, we're looking for eight. A full rotation, playing as one.

As for the distractions, we've had crazy press conferences since the 90s, this is nothing new. I don't know what it looks like to the rest of the league, but everybody here knows that I expect results in the gym and on the court, no matter what else goes on.

Quail, I ain't puttin' my hands nowhere near that $#!7, bruh.