Once upon a time there was a King. A very strong and dominant King. A VERY confident King. But this King wasn't always the powerful ruler he came to be. There were others that ruled this land before him. You see, he was definitely an opportunistic man.

What happened to the Mavericks you ask? Well events were set in motion that would eventually oust the Mavericks from these lands. Some say the world hasn't been as at peace as it was when the Mavericks ruled. But I digress...After the Mavericks were pushed out, men on massive ships sailed in and took the throne. People called the ships "Lakers". These men and their Lakers sat on the throne and thought they would never leave. Most agreed, these men were the manliest of men. When you think of manly men, you think of the men from the Lakers. And talk about the bodies they had...let's just say they were into fitness. But where did they go? Well you wouldn't believe it but they just actually left one night. No one even knew. No one realized it. The Lakers actually ruled after they left in the night. The people had no idea that some random figurehead was sitting upon their throne reaping the benefits from the works of the Laker men. When it was known they were cast aside as well.
So as you can see many very very great men held that throne. But where does this King come in. Well as I said this King is very opportunistic and manipulative. Remember those events set in motion to oust the great men on the Mavericks? This King was the one to set those events in motion. Yes, I know you are shocked. But that's how long ago this King has been plotting. And as soon as all the mightiest of the mighty men were thrown aside he was there waiting in the wind. He snatched up the throne and hasn't looked back. But once this King sat on the throne something strange happened. He changed. He let the power of the crown go to his head. He forgot about his actual duties and only was concerned with people bowing to him. He'd have the entire city form lines and one bu one they would enter the throne room and they had to bow to the King if they wanted their daily rations. Some opposed but were quickly struck down.
He would walk upon his balcony overhanging the city and shout that he was the best King to ever sit on the throne. The peasants indeed were tired of their King, for he never even actually ruled the kingdom. His people were starving and war was coming yet all he did was demand fealty. He would stare at his crown for hours upon hours. If one of his advisers ever had an actual good idea, he would just scream when they started to speak "RIVALRY DECLINED!". The man was delusional. Some said among the shadows that he was going mad. They started to call him the "Mad King". As the days went on he became more and more hidden within his own mind. There had even been an uprising coming and he never even seen it coming. People warned him but he listened not.
The whispers started to turn into shouts as a new threat approached the city. If the rumors were true this new threat was a great one indeed. It was being said that one of the men from long ago, one of the men who rode the Mavericks, had returned. He had returned to claim what was rightfully his. He came back to avenge his ousted Mavericks and take the crown for his own. They were calling this man the ""Supersonic". Where this name hailed from is unknown but just the mention of the Supersonic made the King cringe. He was so confident that the man they called Supersonic would never make it to the city, he ignored all threats. He had truly gone mad. The stories about this man were told as myths and had passed on from the years. But mere myths they were not. This man was one of the strongest and most dangerous men the city had ever seen.
I think you know where this story goes. The Supersonic walked right up to the castle doors knocked them down and walked straight into the throne room. The Mad King was sitting there on his throne, the look on his face was that of utter dismay. He was speechless. He tried to find words but there were none. He finally came up with a few excuses as to why the Supersonic was able to so easily walk past his defenses, but it was too late. The excuses piled up and his time had come. The Supersonic drew his sword and easily defeated the Mad King in one swipe of his sword.

Well folks I hope you all enjoyed the story. Wait...you wanted to know about our team? Oh shit, my bad. Well ask me anything you want, I'll answer now!