2007 Wizards House Party

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2007 Wizards House Party

Post by Xist2Inspire »

Meanwhile, at Rashard Lewis' ridiculously expensive, brand-spanking-new mansion...

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It almost seemed like all of DC was crammed into the room. Players, reporters, rappers, cheerleaders, and fans alike were all packed indoors dancing, eating, jamming, talking, whatever. Well...not all of them. Ray Allen was out in the backyard tossing horseshoes with a few guys, and the Wizards' GM, Xist, was curled up in a corner with his hands over his ears, muttering something about "too much damn money" and keeping his eyes peeled for reporters to avoid. All of a sudden, the lights went down and the DJ, local rapper Wale, took the mic.

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"All right, all right, what's good everybody! Right now I'd like to bring in the MC for this evening, you know him, I know him, making his return to the DMV, the MVP, RASHARD LEWIS!"

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*The crowd cheers as Lewis swaggers out and heads to the stage. Xist breathes a sigh of relief, as he really had been worried that his star player was going to leave for greener pastures*

Image Yo yo yo, let me speak on dis! Wassup!

*"WASSUP!" the crowd shouted in response*

Image Viva DC!


Image That's right, 'cuz the Wiz Kidz be rowdy rowdy and...


Image Sho' nuff. We the baddest low downs 'round this town, and before I get to laying it out, I wanna say one thing...


Image ...It's good to be back. DC's my home from another area code, I love y'all man.

Image Now that we've got that out of the way, lemme introduce some new faces. Ol' Scrooge McX finally opened up his vault and made good on getting some new blood in with all that cap space we had. So right now, I want y'all to show some love...for Mr. Money in the Bank, Marcus Banks, and Zig-Zaggy P, Zaza Pacha...Pachouli....Poochi...Zaza y'all!

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*Banks and Pachulia come out to cheers. Few expected the Wizards to land anyone of note in Free Agency, and fewer still expected whoever they did sign to actually show some promise. But folks were pleasantly shocked with the additions of two legitimately promising young talents to the Wizards roster*

Image Yeah, and you all know about some of our other guys, like A-Double, Alan Anderson, Whip-n-Nene Hilario, Rayray and Bullwinkle...I mean Boris. And making his way back to the DMV, the real Double J, Jarrett Jack!

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*Jack doesn't come to the stage, but raises his glass as the spotlight moves to him and his homies. Rumors had been swirling for the past few seasons about the Wizards being interested in bringing the hometown guy in, and finally the dream was a reality*

Image So one more thing before we officially get this party started...we're hoping for better things in the future, things have been a bit slow for a while now. Last season was a crazy one for all the right and wrong reasons, but this season we hope to get this train back on track and keep the good times comin'. So we went and got a new look to go with our new attitude, and I'd like to ask my boy Gilbert Arenas to come up here and show off our new main threads!

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*Arenas, who really should've been in Minnesota right now, pimp-walked his way to the stage, showing off the new gold, black, and white jersey that was to be the Wizards' primary road jersey from now on*


Image Yeah, we hope to get back to the point where we just don't wear gold, we get it! Now enough of the yap. Wale! Let's get this party started right!

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The crowd started jamming as some reporters started scrambling around, trying to get scoops any way possible. Xist, for his part, slipped on some shades and flipped his hood over his head, hoping to slip out unnoticed...
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Re: 2007 Wizards House Party

Post by IamQuailman »

Which player surprised you the most in training camp?
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Re: 2007 Wizards House Party

Post by Xist2Inspire »

Xist sighed and took off his shades. Looks like escape wasn't in the cards after all...

Image Alan Anderson, without a doubt. He, along with Nene, were just two project guys we decided to offer vet minimums to bolster our bench. Immediately after his camp announced that he would sign here, Alan called me personally to thank me and say that I wouldn't regret it. Then out of nowhere, Alan morphs into a player that's slated to play a prime role for us this season, insane for an afterthought signing. We've all been taken aback by just how enthusiastic Alan's been.

Image Why thank you sir, I must say that it's quite reassuring to hear such words spoken about me. For my part, I'm absolutely thrilled to be here. Might I interest you in a drink, sir?

*Xist flashed Quail an "Is this guy for real?" face*

Image Umm...no thanks...I'm really trying to stay off the bottle Alan. But thanks...I guess? How long have you been standing here?

Image Oh, for quite some time now, I believe. I saw you attempting to disguise yourself.

Image ...Right. Y'know, I'm just gonna go over there for a bit, y'know...away from you...
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Re: 2007 Wizards House Party

Post by WigNosy »

Do you think Ray Allen's game is redundant to or complements Rashard's?
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Re: 2007 Wizards House Party

Post by aburns211 »

Rashard has shown the versatility to play many positions on the floor. What spot do you expect him to play most this season? And does his listed position change his role at all?
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Re: 2007 Wizards House Party

Post by Xist2Inspire »

Image Rashard's going to start off at power forward this season, and though his role will be the same as always, which is to dominate offensively, we'd love to see him utilize his athleticism to create constant matchup problems against opposing 4s. It's mainly because of Rashard's versatility that we feel like Ray's game compliments Rashard's. At this stage in his career, Ray can really only play one position, the 3, and is no longer a No.1 option. But since stopping Rashard at the 4 - an effort that will hopefully pull opposing small forwards over to help their teammate - will be the other team's priority, Ray should get plenty of open looks to offset the fact that he's slowed down a bit. In essence, Rashard is the initial strike, Ray is the bailout plan who just happens to be as deadly as the opening volley when given an opening.
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Re: 2007 Wizards House Party

Post by TrayWithAnA »

I think this is a fun question and a chance for others to get creative. So pardon if repetitive...

Do you have any special giveaways on the docket this season? There are only so many times we as fans can receive a white tshirt with the local ambulance chaser's logo on the back. How do you plan on mixing it up for your fanbase?

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Re: 2007 Wizards House Party

Post by Xist2Inspire »

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Without warning, Gerald Green runs out on stage with a shirt cannon, blasting the brand-new gold jerseys into the crowd. Xist just shakes his head as he watches even more of his offseason money evaporate.

Image That answer your question? It's the start of our "All Black (and Gold) Everything" movement. We're issuing "Black" cards to every fan at our home opener, which can be redeemed for free gold-themed items at the team store or concession stands after every home win. As for why we decided to give away free jerseys to kick off the rebrand at a house party, well...Gerald really wanted to shoot something out of some kind of cannon tonight. This was the safest option.
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Re: 2007 Wizards House Party

Post by JNR »

GWR: What do you have to say about the rumors revealed in this year's Chemistry Report that suggest a locker room divided between Gerald Green and Rashard Lewis? Is there a DC Civil War brewing?
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Re: 2007 Wizards House Party

Post by Xist2Inspire »

Image I have no idea where those rumors came from, because Gerald's been Rashard's mini-me since last season's open practice. Given the rapid roster turnover, fierce competition for playing time out on the wings, and the departure of fan and locker room favorites Jonathan Bender and Stromile Swift, I can see why chemistry would be a concern, but it'd be due to those factors, not locker-room warfare. Oh, and could you make sure Arenas gets back home safely? He keeps making "bang-bang" gestures, and I'm a bit worried...
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