This is because the Atlantic's actually leading this thing for a change, huh? I see how it is.IamQuailman wrote:Please read re: Pick'ems:
Due to the "No PMs were sent" controversy of 2016, pick 'em will reset everyone to 0, starting with this sim (Sim 5). Participants up to this point can claim their 1 point that they can claim for participation (and it does not count against your 3 time cap for participation, as we are reseting). PMs will be sent prior to each pick em, and if you do not pick then, tough shit.
LOL nah. I was tempted to let you guys "have the crown" because this is the closest yall would ever get hahahahaXist2Inspire wrote:This is because the Atlantic's actually leading this thing for a change, huh? I see how it is.IamQuailman wrote:Please read re: Pick'ems:
Due to the "No PMs were sent" controversy of 2016, pick 'em will reset everyone to 0, starting with this sim (Sim 5). Participants up to this point can claim their 1 point that they can claim for participation (and it does not count against your 3 time cap for participation, as we are reseting). PMs will be sent prior to each pick em, and if you do not pick then, tough shit.
fair enough, ill stop bitchingIamQuailman wrote:I mean there will be debate on this regards. Teams in the West will say its unfair to not reset; teams in the East will say its unfair to reset. Therefore I made a decision. Moot point at this junction.
Oh, nice of you to show upcoltsguy510 wrote:1/2 - Bucks (+5.5) @ Magic
1/3 - Rockets @ Nuggets: Pick Em!
1/6 - Mavericks @ Jazz: Total 194 Over/Under/Push
1/7 - Sonics (+21.5) @ Rockets
1/9 - Celtics @ Hornets: Pick Em!
1/12 - Cavs @ Bucks: Total 17 Assists Combined Between Chauncey & Chris Paul Over/Under/Push
1/14 - Suns @ Spurs: Pick Em!
Sim Vegas is a lawless land, tread lightly.NOLa. wrote:Should the Atlantic be penalized for submitting two pick-ems?
Sent via Morse code
Conroy wrote:Sim Vegas is a lawless land, tread lightly.NOLa. wrote:Should the Atlantic be penalized for submitting two pick-ems?
Sent via Morse code