Cue the Paul Rudd “look at us meme” in reference to the conference strength now…Black Superman wrote:Desert here,
your conference is pretty loaded with quality teams. It feels like the deeper conference now. What seed do you need to secure to consider the regular season a success?
I’ve already almost traded her away I think… She is going to be coming in off the bench in a role that sees them playing 1-3. May get sixth man considerations, but may not play enough minutes for any serious debates.LazyTitanSmash wrote:How are you going to show case the steal of this year UFA, Candice Parker. Is she going to come off the bench and win 6 man of the year, or is she in the starting line up?
I drafted Lew knowing he would not be the best defender, I think I just thought he would have progressed more in the offensive game. Even last season, I would have argued that it may have been Fly’s team before Lew. Hopefully Lew steps forward this year and starts to take over some games, but yeah… for the time being it is probably more of SVG’s or Fly’s team.garbageman wrote:Sham Smith, At 24, it might be a little early to make a final call on Lew's ceiling, but he does appear to be brilliant on one end of the floor and deficient on the other for a player with purple potential. With Stan Van Gundy coming to the Celtics this offseason, is it SVG's team now? And what do you think bringing in Van Gundy will do for Lew's growth?
I think the three of them are great complimentary players. One is super versatile and can do a little of everything (Fly), one is a great two way player right now (SVG), and the last is hopefully going to be a lights out shooter (Lew).greepleairport wrote:After some tough luck, Boston is in the mix again. Fly and SVG are positioned to make a huge splash. How do you like their fit with Lew?
I’m always one shit things from pivoting. If I get a broken leg to Stan or Lew, maybe? It is just usually I wind up seeing it’s better to be bad and hope I get a good pick for the future then fight for an eight seed that probably won’t materialize based on team performance.BigDaddyd8720 wrote:Picks Emmington of the New Orleans Advocate,
It seems like the last couple of seasons you've gone back and forth on whether or not you want to tank or try to make a push. If you don't see the results you want to early on this season, will you go into to tank/rebuild mode or do you think you will try to make a big splash via trade to get back into the playoffs?
Our biggest strength is our determination to not be the team with the worst record out of all of the Celtics Tree’s teams. Biggest actual improvement would be an actual PG, but finding an avenue to that seems to be a challenge.pennpanther1 wrote:What is your team's biggest strength? What do you most want to improve?
I think the Nuggets are so worried about their own team, they didn’t realize how much my team really did just play better down the stretch and earned that last spot.Jedihero wrote:Its been a few seasons and we haven't really seen the Celtics make a splash in a while. Do you think sliding into the playoffs because the Nuggets tanked was the jumpstart that you needed as a manager to start pushing again? Have you thought about what you could get in return for Lew and SVG once you throw in the towel by Sim4 again?
I mentioned it briefly in my presser how he replaced the Booger sized hole in my team, so yeah I do. They have similar roles and builds which is good.Eazy P wrote:Do you the SVG was the piece missing for you team to make a run or maybe another move may be needed?
They had, by their own admission, tanked the season for a better draft pick. Does that sway your answer or are you still delusional that you actually had a better team?AngryBanana wrote: Mon Oct 07, 2024 9:48 amI think the Nuggets are so worried about their own team, they didn’t realize how much my team really did just play better down the stretch and earned that last spot.Jedihero wrote:Its been a few seasons and we haven't really seen the Celtics make a splash in a while. Do you think sliding into the playoffs because the Nuggets tanked was the jumpstart that you needed as a manager to start pushing again? Have you thought about what you could get in return for Lew and SVG once you throw in the towel by Sim4 again?
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Thanks for this important question. Yes. I. believe. that. we. can. win.jlmarines wrote: Mon Oct 07, 2024 1:20 pm Miguel Treviño Morales,; Everyone is trying to figure out how to beat the Pistons. However, based on preseason results, is there a team in the Omega conference that got your attention?