S65 Resuffle Draft Live Reactions!

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S65 Resuffle Draft Live Reactions!

Post by AngryBanana »

Ok. So I need points. And I need to do something other than the powerrr rankings because it’s too late to add to that. I will say however that I was accurate with all of the playoff teams, as they were the top ranked teams. Anyways. We have a tradition here of people doing live reactions to the actual draft. I never pay enough attention to the draft page to know if it is good picks or not for the players. However, this seems like the perfect situation for me. I know the GMs picking, I know the GMs getting picked so why not. I did always find it interesting that when we pick the divisions, somehow they never turn out how we expect. Where some teams we thought would be shit are good and vice versa. This in turn causes the divisions to sometimes be way different then we thought.

Another thing I have going for me… I’ve been a team that has picked before, so I must have some knowledge base for what the GMs are thinking.

Before the first pick some thoughts I have regarding how I think each GM will pick.

Mamba: he will make some easy picks, but also some from his tree maybe. I can see his being the most balanced out the gate.

Gman: I can see him picking the most competitive heavy teams.

Greeps: He will also pick from his tree and just teams he think will be funny to have together. The meme division of sorts. Where they will be active and potentially all shit talk each other.

Real Pelicans Fan: picks all cupcakes. Wants as easy a schedule as possible given the inevitable restart he has coming his way.

Link to draft: viewtopic.php?t=12768#p106488

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S65 Resuffle Draft Live Reactions!

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MexicanMamba wrote:I'll go ahead and kickstart this thing off.

I'll choose:



#1 pick: Memphis Grizzlies

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With the first pick, Mamba selects the Memphis Grizzlies.

This is an interesting first pick out the gate. Where K100 is still firmly in tax jail and is one of the logical choices to go first from a team perspective. He made it to the playoffs this year however on the back of an aging, and overpaid, Genarro Montoya. He will be back next season for the Grizz too (unless I missed that he dropped the team option, which I would very much doubt K100 does). However, he only has rookie contracts on the books after that. So the conventional thought is that he will throw vet mins out and be terrible next season. Time will tell if this wildcard is able to build another playoff team again.

I think K100 was going to be a top pick for any GM. The Jazz and Pels maybe being the only other team in a worse situation in that order for different reasons. However, with the Grizz Roberto can get some entertainment when he plays out of the wacky lineups and the memes k100 will do to get points.

We tasked Doug Dimmadome to go out and ask Mamba why K100 went first. His response was simple. Because we traded Sabo way back when…

Fair enough.

Prediction for next pick: Bulls select Jazz

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S65 Resuffle Draft Live Reactions!

Post by AngryBanana »

garbageman wrote:The Chicago Bulls elect to move to the remaining open division in the ALPHA CONFERENCE and elect to name that division the SILKY JOHNSON DIVISION.

Joining the Bulls in this move will be the:

Gman goes with an interesting pick with his first one. First he chooses to be in the same conference as the Lakers. This will lead to some epic battles between these two teams at the very least for the next few seasons. It will also provide hopefully some added banter when it comes to the podcast that the two routinely do. Anyways, on to the pick.

Gman picks the Magic, being run by Nick. The magic were last in the division that they were in last season. It was also the same division Gman was in before and Gman swept this season. I wonder if this was intentional on his part. Nick has an interesting core to this team with Walker Kessler, Osuman Deing, and JVG among others. However the team was not terrible efficient, with the 30 year old soon to be FA Dario Beaton as the best +/- of any player on the team. As someone who has had JVG and Deing (Frye, I really liked him more then Alleman?!) on their team, I can see the appeal in them. However, his real players he may want to build around are Okay and Kessler who still have a lot of time to develop. Nick also has three first round picks (where only one is a lottery pick) in a deep draft. So really nick has several moves he could do to start his next season.

All in all, Josh starts out with a team that will be interesting to watch moving forward.

Prediction: Warriors select the Pistons.

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Re: S65 Resuffle Draft Live Reactions!

Post by AngryBanana »

greepleairport wrote:Boring.

In an even MORE BORING and OBVIOUS move, the Golden State Warriors elect to stay in the FAR SUPERIOR Omega conference, open the GARY LOREDO DIVISION, and select the


to join us.

Damn Greeps. Just when I think you are going to zig, you zag. I was almost going to predict the suns, thinking you would love to mess with them and maybe even try to get them to consider leaving the chat due to your banter. But then I said “nah, he’s going to choose the pistons to get some witty back talk” on to the pick…

The suns are a really good team with really good players. He has AB, Akins, Johnson, and Anas on long term deals. He also has Luke Hancock for another year before RFA. So the talent is there for sure. Alas, he finished third in his division behind the Lakers and Indiana Herbs. As good as his team is, they also have their shortcomings and Nate is the first to let you know it. He struggled all season with running the offense, where there was always turnovers present. AB was not someone that could be trusted to run point guard, as he turned the ball over way too much. Also, on the topic of AB, he disappeared in the playoffs before his injury. Also, this team has a lot of players who want the ball, which may have been a problem since before the season started.

Moving forward I think Nate will figure it out. He will move someone to better balance this team and to hopefully get deeper than a first round exit. Wether that is him moving AB, like he had said in the Facebook chat as soon as he lost, or finds some good contracts in UFA like he did with Parris this season. Also, Nate will also continually flip back and forth with what he wants I think, and will also tell us what he thinks as well. Hopefully Greeps will have some fun with this that will result in a new rivalry, which Nate has mentioned before he is open too if I remember right. I’m excited for this.

Prediction: nets select Jazz

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S65 Resuffle Draft Live Reactions!

Post by AngryBanana »

RPF wrote:Welcome to the Buddy Pedraza Division and with the first of my 2 picks I select the piece of shit slimeball Doug Tassin and the Detroit Pistons

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The nets have taken the true slime lord of all slime lords, the pisstons and their GM Quailman.

So this comes as a surprising pick, as Quail is a really good GM and has made a really good team. Look, I don’t want to give him credit, but he has been really good with his moves. I mean getting Schiff (who he couldn’t even sell off after a broken leg), trades for Dirks, and has Zike on a great deal that will put him in bird rights once over has been a great work. Maybe the way he went about the rebuild was actually well done. Everyone expected Doug to come in and constantly flip flop his roster like he did with the Bucks; he even did at first tearing down the pistons of old.

However, he was patient which is unlike the usual quail. Now that he has a roster that is built, will he see it as it hitting is top and make a move out of Borden, or will he keep on trying after a poor run in with injuries this season. Either way, they will keep the other teams on their heels no matter what they do. I wonder if the nets expect this unpredictability l, and hope it will work to the nets favor. Also, nets and pistons are both GMs that have been around for a long time, maybe even both to the OG league, pre PBSL. Where the nets will pick gms they have known as the basis of their picks, this was my strategy as I felt I would enjoy the games more.

Prediction: nets select Timberwolves.

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Re: S65 Resuffle Draft Live Reactions!

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RPF wrote:With the next pick we welcome Carlos and those raggedy ass San Antonio Spurs to the Buddy division.

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Ok. I know it’s been a hot min since I had given my take for the draft, and I missed several picks. But F*** it, we’ll do it live(ish). I haven’t looked at the picks to follow so let’s go.

Now we have the second pick from Ed and it’s the Spurs. This was in vein to what I had mentioned before, but a different GM. The spurs are another OG GM and are currently in the middle of a rebuild.

What may work out for Ed in this situation is that hopefully the Spurs will ascend as he is rebuilding, and thus help his rebuild. Right now, the spurs have a plethora of young talent that they are building around. Brandon Ingram, PeeWee, and Hoyt Timmerman, and Kozak are the main pieces to this young build. Ingram is already close to being that guy for the spurs, but he needs help from PeeWee, and either Kozak, or someone the Spurs trade for if there is any hope to make this team a legit contender soon. Carlos would be the first to tel you that PeeWee is still PreWee and needs to man up in TC. However, the two 12 years a Spur candidates (PeeWee and Ingram) will almost certainly help the Spurs get out of the bottom of the barrel this next year.

The immediate wildcard has to be the next draft for Carlos. Will he keep the pick, and draft another emerging talent, or will he lump some of his stockpile for another top end player.

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S65 Resuffle Draft Live Reactions!

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greepleairport wrote:gimme the Dallas Mavericks
Greeps picking Dallas seems like a no brainer of sorts. He is keeping it in the family, and much like Ed, will very much keep them both more entertained I am sure.

Now, regarding the Mavs as a team. He seems to start to be getting the hang of the game more. Where in between listening to him mispronounce players names in the podcast this season, his talking of the game seemed like he had some solid plans of what to do. He currently has a team that honestly perplexes me a bit. He is stuck between two team builds of sorts. He has Martin, Kuric, and Lewis-Weeks. Then he has kuminga, Parker, and his top 10 pick. I think if I’m him, I try to pivot towards the younger players and hope that first round pick this year lands on a great player. It’s an interesting time to be a Mavs fan and I am excited to see how he does moving forward.

Ps: I hope you aren’t still mad at me for the Hackney trade, RoboGm benefitted most in the end.

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Re: S65 Resuffle Draft Live Reactions!

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garbageman wrote:Bulls select the Utah Jazz
Oh hey, Gary got picked. Not much to say about this one, so I’ll be as passive as Gary is. Josh picked someone that will probably guarantee a few wins, or at the very least know how the Pistons will play in a few seasons since the Jazz are the Pistons G team.

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Re: S65 Resuffle Draft Live Reactions!

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MexicanMamba wrote:Let's go with:


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Oh hey. I got picked. This is quite a duo to pick by Roberto. I was hoping to go in Jon’s division to meme, but this one will be fun too. I have the grizz and the raps in here so I still have some people to Frye with. Also, Roberto is always a good sport as well. I’m not looking forward to facing Roberto however and K100 I’m sure will come back around to being good once he is out of tax jail.

Celtics are going to be an interesting team with Gates. Where once he gets on the court, he is going to hopefully be a menace. Also, I will hopefully build a better team around him than I did AB. We shall see.

Raptors are a team that has done well with what they got. They took their Mobley team and flipped it into a team that can give most teams fits any night. I’m excited about it, but it is going to be a hard division for sure.

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Re: S65 Resuffle Draft Live Reactions!

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Ok. I’m going to do a bit of a blitz here, like they did with their picks today.
garbageman wrote:Bulls select the Denver Nuggets
The bulls and nuggets in the same division seems right to me. Back to when the old GM was with the Nuggets, it was always those two heavyweights going to blows. The nuggets still have a great team too.
greepleairport wrote:CHARLOTTE BOBCATS
THIS WILL BE THE BEST DIVISION. DAMM YOU ROBERTO. I WOUDL HAVE THRIVED OFF THE COURT! The only thing of note is that I hope James gets the first pick, and then doesn’t pick the purple out of principle.
RPF wrote:Nets select the New Orleans Pelicans & the Houston Rockets
Ok. So Ed is continuing to follow the theme of old heads being in his division. He also managed to pick two of the more inactive GMs. Rockets may finally start coming around now that they have Sion James and not terrible contracts.

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S65 Resuffle Draft Live Reactions!

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greepleairport wrote:Warriors select the one and only [mention]Mike Lowry[/mention] and his MIAMI HEAT


Mike Lowreyyy

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Re: S65 Resuffle Draft Live Reactions!

Post by AngryBanana »

garbageman wrote:Bulls select the Washington Wizards
The bulls wiz feel just as right, if not more so, then the bulls nuggs in the same division. X going to be in the playoffs till eternity.

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Re: S65 Resuffle Draft Live Reactions!

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So I’m realizing that the Sabo Division now has a Frye ton of purple players in their division. Xue, Gates, Banchero, safi, and Pearson. God damn bloodbath. I feel bad for the Cavs.

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Re: S65 Resuffle Draft Live Reactions!

Post by AngryBanana »

garbageman wrote:Bulls select the Indiana Pacers
Pacers are another team that interest me on how they move forward. Pauly has a truly great player in Herb. He is more well rounded than AB, the previous MVP and best player in the game. I do wonder if Pauly will be able to build a deep enough team for Herb though. With just three players on the roster next year he has a clean slate and no worry of if he maxes Chris Bow that it will prevent him from signing anyone else. I say all this because that was my biggest problem with AB was building the complete roster for him. This will be a big offseason for Pauly I think and will dictate how well his team does moving forward in this build.

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Re: S65 Resuffle Draft Live Reactions!

Post by AngryBanana »

greepleairport wrote:gimme those RoboGM'd PORTLAND TRAILBLAZERS
The GM that will be the biggest troll of all in the division, RoboGM. I can’t wait to see what our first team run by generative AI will do.

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Re: S65 Resuffle Draft Live Reactions!

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RPF wrote:We take the Atlanta Hawks and pass the next selection to the Warriors

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The Hawks are a last round picked team. Something that is odd considering I think they usually were picked in the first round any other time. They have one of my favorite players in Phil Smith, to go with a plethora of other good players. They will stay a pretty good team and hopefully Smith becomes the top end big I dream of him becoming.

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Re: S65 Resuffle Draft Live Reactions!

Post by AngryBanana »

greepleairport wrote:I’ll take the kings

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Lol. This GM may finish behind RoboGM in the GM powerrr rankings.

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S65 Resuffle Draft Live Reactions!

Post by AngryBanana »

garbageman wrote:I'll keep the Bucks
This division gives me joy. Seeing all of these teams (not GMs, that’s Ed’s division) together makes me feel nostalgic to SLOE days of yesteryears. This will be another top end team for the division, and a true heavyweight if they can stop fouling so damn much. Well… maybe the fouling is fine. They are very close to a championship as is now. All I know is that the Bucks are better off with them as GM over that slime ball in Detroit

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Re: S65 Resuffle Draft Live Reactions!

Post by greepleairport »

2500+ words, 8pts
Somehow I manage.
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