Congrats to FTB on becoming the newest Western Conference champion. You made a few very nice and yet overlooked moves during the season and you earned this.
Congrats to Eazy as well. Excellent game planning around 3 very talented players and solid role players.
I told him in pm but it needs to be said publicly. Congrats to ftb and hats off to him. As an 8 seed in the Western Conference you're basically shark bait, especially with the gms you normally have to go thru. But you went thru Balls(possibly the greatest accomplishment of your playoff accomplishments), THEN went thru Bow who is always a huge threat. THEN you went on to beat the 7 seed who easily dispatched of #2 & #3. You were up 3-1 and couldn't put him away, only to take it in 7 at San Antonio.
You've basically taken the absolute hardest route to the Finals. Yet here you are. Respect to you sir. If you best the Hawks(the team you created..LOL) I will have no words.
Congrats on making it to the Western Conference Finals. You stomped thru the Jazz and Blazers and finally had the run you've been waiting for. It didn't end how you'd liked but it's looks like you'll be a roadblock in the West for a long time.
I hope you lose. Nothing personal. But please lose. The Eastern Conference Finals I suspect would have been pretty damn interesting were it not for shitty injuries. You waltzed through again. Promise you'll go no higher than super saiyan 2.