Season Awards Procedures

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Season Awards Procedures

Post by garbageman »

In light of the controversy regarding Doug's picks, I've had some ideas regarding the Season Awards procedure.

I know I've given Doug a lot of shit lately, and mostly all of it is meant as a joke. And in the spirit of no hard feelings, I'd like to return the nominations I made for the Bey trade and Bey MVP back to Doug if he wants them.

However, while camping on the awards threads via alerts or whatever and putting placeholders up is perfectly legal, I do think that actually is a loophole that encourages a slimy way to go about the awards.

I think to combat this:

1. Only one nomination per day/24 hour period...maybe even just for the first 24 hours.
2. No placeholder nominations. Only post a nomination when it is complete.
3. Verbiage in rules for each nomination thread should be codified more clearly to indicate that nominations that require a link to the player page won't count until all conditions are satisfied.
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