S71 Town Hall #9: Origins

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S71 Town Hall #9: Origins

Post by MexicanMamba » Thu Aug 29, 2024 3:12 pm

A question our commish likes to ask in pods is: How did you get into sim league? Then my addition: Whats your primary reason for continuing to stick around?

Rules: 1 point if you give thoughtful answers, which I will award after the timer ends for responses. The timer ends for responses at the moment the corresponding week's Sim is run.

Note: Use approximately 5 sentences as your bare minimum for 1 point. If you write 3 long, complex sentences, you'll still get a point. If you write 5 3 word sentences, you will not get a point. Don't @ me.

Due: Sim 9 deadline.

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Re: S71 Town Hall #9: Origins

Post by BigDaddyd8720 » Thu Aug 29, 2024 11:19 pm

I got into this league through Charlie (celtics GM). He reached out to me about it and it seemed like fun. I've always enjoyed video games where you got to run the team, even if you don't play the actual games. Like NCAA dynasty mode is a lot of fun but most of the fun comes from recruiting and player/coach development.

There are multiple reasons for me sticking around (even though I'm looking at my 4th season of possibly not making the playoffs). One reason is because of the group of people. Everybody has been incredibly helpful since I've joined and I just wish I would have reached out to more people in my first two seasons. It's great getting so many different perspectives. Another reason is that when I saw my team wasn't good I made it my goal to turn this franchise around and make it competitive and by god I'm gonna make sure that happens (even if the Pisstons want to ruin the league). Another reason comes back to my NCAA reference. It's a lot of fun handling all aspects of this team, from training, to game planning, to trade talks, it's a lot of fun dealing with so many different aspects of this game. Plus it's always fun when I get to beat my friends and talk shit, even if it doesn't happen as often as I would like. I'm really hoping these next couple of seasons will finally be some good outcomes for my team and I can see the results I believe this team can produce

P.S. it's also always fun to say #FillYoPouch

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Re: S71 Town Hall #9: Origins

Post by K-100 » Fri Aug 30, 2024 5:59 am

Met AngryBanana at a job training and he recruited me to join the league back in 2019. I had no clue what I was doing but AB was always patient in explaining the basics of the league and after a while it finally made sense. Soon after I joined, AB got jlmarines and SuperDog in as well and we have all stuck around so many years later. I like the strategy part of the game the most. It is basically an RPG - every (in)decision has a consequence and you adjust and proceed accordingly. I've won titles, laughed at goofy memes, and enjoyed working with and against 25 other GMs over the years in our quest to lift the virtual trophy. It is the perfect amount of chaos. I stick around because these three goofs are still in it and I like shooting the shit with them every M/W/F about virtual basketball when I'm not shooting the shit with them about anything else the other 4 days of the week.

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Re: S71 Town Hall #9: Origins

Post by garbageman » Fri Aug 30, 2024 9:22 am

I'd known JNR for some time, and it's been a while since the details are years ago, but I think what led him to recruit me was some combination of me being interested in Basketbawl Blog (or podcast?) he did with some folks, him knowing I was a Bulls fan when the Bulls were open, and him knowing of my enjoyment of arranging and analyzing data in different ways after creating a scoring system in a writing competition (Writebawl).

I guess what keeps me around:
Maintaining a team is like building a zen garden, and there's always something to change or improve. I like that aspect, and I like the strategy aspect, and I haven't found something as complex and evolving, where I'd have to figure everything out from scratch, to replace it. There's always a sense of seeing how moves panned out or seeing what's next when your payroll is wide open.

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Re: S71 Town Hall #9: Origins

Post by pennpanther1 » Fri Aug 30, 2024 9:33 am

Charlie asked me to join when the Toronto Raptors were available and it was just that easy. I got handed a great team with a big tax bill and had no clue what to do so I just sold everybody I could and started over. I've had fun building teams but gameplanning is a big challenge. I enjoy playing the game because it is a fun distraction and I like tinkering with my team. I like the little community we have built over the years and hope it continues.

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Re: S71 Town Hall #9: Origins

Post by AngryBanana » Fri Aug 30, 2024 11:55 am

I joined after talking to the Trailblazers GM about it at I think at the bar Pal's in New Orleans. He was initially recruiting my brother to join, and I was there and that it was cool so I also joined. The reason I still stick around is, in part, because I was an answer for multiple GM's on who brought them in. I can also be an answer for several other people. So I enjoy that there are so many people that I can talk to about this. I have multiple chats with K100 about it through the week and I also talk smack to the Cavs randomly at times too. Then I also have a group chat with the Pels, Nuggets, and Wolves. So, it is great time in Sim League for me.

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Re: S71 Town Hall #9: Origins

Post by MexicanMamba » Fri Aug 30, 2024 12:45 pm

Josh and I knew each other for years due to being pretend wrestlers with a creative writing addiction, and he probably really wanted those sweet, sweet Referral points at the time of inviting me into the fold. I was initially skeptical of joining after getting an idea of how much work it can take but dove in anyways. Lately, I've certainly had more than a few moments where I question how much more energy that I still have left for this game. Yet, I've obviously stayed to this point. Team building is cool, as is getting a great young player to let play and develop, but honestly, lately the part I've found myself enjoying most is giving advice to the newer GMs when they come asking for it. It's cool seeing the next ones up get excited about the game as they make progress.

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Re: S71 Town Hall #9: Origins

Post by greepleairport » Fri Aug 30, 2024 1:01 pm

If you listened to the pod, you already know. Short not entirely accurate version: I was very, very high.

I stick around because I want to see LTS lose. NO! I mean, it is very interesting to see how others choose to play this game in ways I do not. Though I "mentored" LTS and he asked me questions constantly at first, he did the opposite of what I said 99% of the time. I would not do half of what he did, but look! He's contending, so good on him. I probably have much to learn from HIM at this point.

Sim league never ceases to impress me, though. It drives people crazy sometimes, namely its admin, but everyone else is here for the love of it. There's no external factor forcing us to be here. We choose to be here. And no one outside of here knows what the Frye we're talking about when we dive into sim league chat, and it's VERY anti-social. Yet, it's no more anti-social than a couple dudes at a family gathering extricating themselves from the milieu by talking real sports or video games in depth - something no one else would care about. So I keep coming back for the camaraderie, and I am also a man of routine, which is what makes the sim world go round.
Somehow I manage.

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Re: S71 Town Hall #9: Origins

Post by PaulyP » Fri Aug 30, 2024 1:29 pm

Im one of the few remaining OGs from the original league, I was sitting in one of my college classes bored as hell scrolling thru HornetsReport (site where the OG league started) and some dude posted on that forum about starting this game and a bunch of us signed up. If you woulda told me back then that id still be playing this a decade later id be shocked but its a genuinely fun game and im uber competitive so thats what mainly keeps me going

The strategy, team building aspects and the competition you all provide makes this league as entertaining as it is. Id be lying if I said there was the same level of enthusiasm as when this all started but its still fun enough and i promised myself I wouldnt retire until I won a chip so ill probably be here forever at that point

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Re: S71 Town Hall #9: Origins

Post by Mike Lowry » Fri Aug 30, 2024 2:06 pm

I had an opportunity to watch Jon play for probably a decades worth of sims. I liked looking at the raw data as a puzzle, and I volunteered to scout for him. Sometimes we would see things way differently, which is the nature of the game. So I would be looking out for my suggestions to pay off, or his to fail, so I could feel validation. When the Heat opened up I been ready to jump in, and thought I was going to embarrass you all.
So Far, in 15 Seasons:
I have a .401 winning %
I had 4 winning seasons
I missed the playoffs 10 times and been eliminated in the 1st round the other 5
I went 240 points into tax jail
and I just disbanded the best roster I have ever had in order to dive for the tax apron
I keep playing for many reasons.
Above all, I appreciate the challenge. I love puzzles and mind tests.
I also highly appreciate the personal aspect of the game. The fact that a social dynamic is involved is meaningful for me. If the game only boiled down to who can count the numbers the best, I might be higher in the rankings, but the obstacle of acquiring pieces that match and elevate my chances at success by negotiating with my competition lends to a whole different experience.
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Re: S71 Town Hall #9: Origins

Post by jlmarines » Fri Aug 30, 2024 3:04 pm

Probably my worst mistake in my life. I'm getting bored beating AB & K100, so many times.

I got brainwashed by AB. Heard about it back in 2019. K100 joined the conversation and stated it's fair and balanced. Not knowing both AB and K100, were secretly meeting to beat me, I decided to join late 2020.

So here I am. Why? Just to prove a point to my young homeboys, AB & K100, I will beat them. Furthermore, it feels glorious to see them in pain and suffering.

Cry me a freaking river!


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Re: S71 Town Hall #9: Origins

Post by Jedihero » Fri Aug 30, 2024 3:19 pm

Got in through Celtics GM, I'm an avid fantasy football player and he finally invited me. I'm not big into basketball but I like chatting with him about this league and what our teams are doing. I was weary about it since its not like a fantasy basketball website more like its own little ecosystem, and having to signup and navigate this website was a little daunting.

I am hanging around because I like how its more in depth than any other league. The players have ups and downs, injuries, cohesion, training camp and having the free agency system is quite fun to go through. Then the DC itself every sim, having many different things you can change to see how it changes the way your team plays.

My favorite thing so far has been playoff sim league. It just feels different having one GM to go against and making tweaks to your DC to try and exploit a weakness you might find. Also pretty proud of myself for making it to the playoffs 3/3 years and in the Finals 2/3 years. Year 2 was most fun because I had a couple game 7s to work through, last year I was a little more dominant.

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Re: S71 Town Hall #9: Origins

Post by Black Superman » Fri Aug 30, 2024 3:47 pm

I was invited and I've already talked in great deal about me technically being a previous GM of the cavs.

I am very excited to talk about why I'm still here. Excited because it feels like an opportunity to vent. And who doesn't love a good venting session?
I am a huge sports junkie so anything to do with sports and I am all over it. That is the main reason I am still around. I have mentally quit 2 times. Once after a playoff series 4 or 5 seasons ago. And once this last off-season. When I say mentally quit. I mean I told myself I was done. Not just everyone else.

The other thing keeping me around is the players specifically Maxwell Lewis. He is keeping me around. He's been with me since his beginning. Bonified stat offensively as well as a defensive thief. I think team builds is a huge proponent of having fun. And everything that Lewis does is fun and highly interesting for me.
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Re: S71 Town Hall #9: Origins

Post by Eazy P » Fri Aug 30, 2024 3:55 pm

I started way back before the current sim league setup. Started out in the HornetsReport creation draft back in I think 2010 or 2011. With the same Spurs franchise. It was something that helped get me through the work day. Once the computer "died" in that league me and Ed did a google search and found Wigs league. At the time they were in their fake players stage. We joined to see how it was and like how it was ran. With Wigs season previews with actual commercials, we thought it was some different and great. I think Ed got some of the other OG's to join and after a while started our own league with Pelicans Report and some of wigs people to join. Now here we are all of the years later still at it. I think the reason I am still here is because I invested so many years IRL that I haven't left yet. We'll talked off the ledge more than once also. LOL.

I would go into details about the origins of the league but that would too long of a reply for 1 point lol.

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Re: S71 Town Hall #9: Origins

Post by MexicanMamba » Sun Sep 01, 2024 2:54 pm

Black Superman
Big Daddy

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